Watch video of the Awarding Ceremony of two sport prizes: 🏆 Trophy of Panathlon Antwerp Sport Personality 🏆 Honorary Rector Francis Van Loon Award
Sport Personalities | 27.02.2023 | Aftermovie
Congratulations to Benjamin Gérard from the Climbing club Rising You, Tineke Den Dulk, Camine Van Hoof, Eline Verstraelen from the University of Antwerp
Thanks to Peter Wouters, Antwerp Alderman for Sports, Guido Goderis, Danssport Vlaanderen Board member, students of UA Sportraad.
The Panathlon Antwerp Sports Personality 2022 trophy was solemnly presented to Benjamin Gérard by Antwerp Alderman for Sports Peter Wouters.
Benjamin Gérard is founder and coordinator of climbing club Rising You, which facilitates the integration of refugees through sports, training and guidance towards work. The club uses sport to teach important attitudes: working together, paying attention to safety, taking the lead, and learning and practicing Dutch.
In addition to a sports club, Rising You offers various practical training courses. These are intended for refugees who have only been to school for a short time in their country of origin. Among other things, they are trained as telecom technicians. The organization Rising You in Antwerp has provided 325 refugees with a job in 5 years.
During the interview with Dr. Jan Verstuyft, the climbing club’s coach Abbas Heidari was also invited to the stage. He talked about his way from being a refugee to working as a coach at the club. It was climbing training that helped him learn Dutch, integrate and get a job. 18:47:322023-03-02 19:37:52Panathlon Antwerp Sports Personality 2022 awarded to Benjamin Gérard from Rising You
Who will be the Panathlon & PCU Antwerp Sport Personalities of the year 2022? On 27 February 2023, the University of Antwerp top sport student of 2022 will be traditionally announced in the beautiful surroundings of the Chapel of the historic Klooster van de Grauwzusters (Building S, University of Antwerp).
TOP SPORTS STUDENT OF THE YEAR 2022 The following three UAntwerp students have been nominated for the Honorary Rector Francis Van Loon Award:
– Tineke den Dulk: Skating, Short Track – Film Studies and Visual Culture
– Camine Van Hoof: Dance Sports, Breakdance – Philosophy
– Eline Verstraelen: Sailing, ILCA 6 class – Applied Economics
These three students know how to successfully combine their studies with their sporting career. More information about the nominated students can be found via this link
Moreover, Benjamin Gérard, founder and coordinator of climbing club Rising You, will receive the Panathlon Antwerp Sports Personality Trophy 2022. The club gives climbing lessons for refugees, facilitates their integration and offers support in learning Dutch.
Benjamin Gérard – Rising You
Do you want to be present live at this award ceremony followed by a reception? The event is free, registration is required. Register at
PROGRAM 19h15: Doors open 19h30: Welcome word 19h35: Award ceremony UAntwerp Top Sports Student of the Year 2022 (Honorary Rector Francis Van Loon Award 2022) 20h00: Panathlon Antwerp Sports Personality 2022 20h30: Reception 22h00: End 20:00:182023-03-02 19:40:14Panathlon & PCU Antwerp Sport Personalities 2022 awarding
On Monday, February 21, the awarding ceremony of the Sports Personalities 2021 took place at the Grauvzuster Chapel of the University of Antwerp. During this awarding, the UAntwerp top sports student of the year 2021 was announced and the Panathlon Antwerp Sports Personalities 2021 were put in the spotlight.
The title of PCU Antwerp Sports Personality traditionally goes to the UAntwerp top sports student of the year. The winner receive the prestigious Honorary Rector Francis Van Loon Award. This year three students were nominated: Mathijn Bogaert (BMX – Applied Engineering Sciences), Michelle Struijk (Hockey – Medicine) and Jef Vandorpe (Wheelchair tennis – Law). They know how to successfully combine their top sport career with their studies.
Jef Vandorpe eventually got the most votes and was elected UAntwerp top sports student of the year 2021.
After the PCU Antwerp Sports Personality 2021 was announced, it was the turn of the Panathlon Antwerp Sports Personalities 2021. Exceptionally, three laureates were chosen, namely the UAntwerp members of the national men’s hockey team “Red Lions”: alumni Félix Denayer and Alexander Hendrickx, and student Arthur De Sloover were honored for their inspiring role in the Antwerp sports. They crowned their work in 2021 by conquering the Olympic title in Tokio. Arthur, Félix and Alexander explained more about their (Olympic) hockey experiences during an interview with Dr. Jan Verstuyft. The awards were presented by Rector Herman Van Goethem.
Afterwards, there was a reception and the opportunity to take pictures with the topsport athletes and the Olympic gold medals of Arthur and Félix.
Congratulations to winners, nominated and all top sports students!
Find photos from the Sport Personalities 2021 Ceremony here.
The presentation of the Panathlon Antwerp & PCU Antwerp Sports Personalities 2021 will take place on 21 February 2022.
Out of more than 100 University of Antwerp top sports students, three students were nominated. They managed to successfully combine their studies with sport career. These are the three nominated students who have a chance to win the prestigious Honorary Rector Francis Van Loon Award:
In addition, the laureate of the Panathlon Antwerp Sports Personality 2021 will be honored. This year there are no fewer than three laureates, the UAntwerp members of the national men’s hockey team “Red Lions”:
• Félix Denayer • Arthur De Sloover • Alexander Hendrickx 15:18:582022-02-20 20:23:42Who will be the top sport student of the year 2021?