The annual General Assembly of the PCU Committee was convened on Friday, 29 April 2016, in the University of Antwerp, Grauwzusters Cloister City Campus – Building S, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, Antwerp, Belgium. The General Assembly was attended by the Panathlon International Past President Mr. Enrico Prandi.
PCU Committee President Peter Verboven specified the expansion of the PCU Committee, incorporating a new full time employee added to the PCU Committee office and 3 new organizations: the PCU International University Tennis Tournament (PIUTT, Russia), a fundraising platform for a children’s sports event in Benin (Africa) and the University of Antwerp & Panathlon Drawing Contest. The President also explained that the future of the PCU Games was ensured as well from a financial as from a participation point of view. The new PCU Committee staff member, Alina Baranova, will ensure the general communication of the the PCU Committee in cooperation with the secretariat of Panathlon International and the organization of the drawing contest and the tennis tournament.
Dr. Bahram Ghadimi, Chairman of the PCU Games Council, noted the perfect organisation of the 2016 PCU Games and thanked everyone for their participation.
Dr. Gabriel Kotchofa, the PCU Committee Secretary General, also expressed his gratitude to the Organising Committee of the 2016 PCU Games, to all participating university teams, to the University of Antwerp and the City of Antwerp.
In addition the 2015 finances and the 2016 budgets were approved by the General Assembly.
Enrico Prandi greeted the General Assembly on behalf of the International President Giacomo Santini and the International Board of Panathlon International. He expressed his joy and satisfaction that after 17 years the PCU Games are more alive than ever, and that his ideas to develop a university platform within Panathlon International will not only remain, but are ensured of an ongoing development and a further statement. Enrico Prandi reminded the General Assembly that without Fair Play, loyalty and respect for all cultures, races, religions and genders, there is no Sport. The winner of the Fair Play ranking, Goce Delcev University – Stip (Macedonia), received the prestigious Enrico Prandi Fair Play Trophy.
Finally each delegation received a 2016 PCU Games Participation Certificate and the Games were closed by Dr. Bahram Ghadimi.